
Showing posts from February, 2014

February 28, 2014

  First Light - What is the first thought that you had this morning? Great, write a post about that. It's not time to get up, but i have to pee so bad that I can't go back to sleep. I don't want to be awake yet. I am so tired, why can't I sleep lately? I was having something like Restless Leg Syndrome. And this weird vibration thing going on. The only way I was sure it was happening is when it stopped I noticed for sure. I still need to pee. I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick, my throat hurts and I have a cough, and yucky stuff is coming up when I do cough. Ugh, i don't want to be getting sick. I dislike this very much. I might have plans this weekend that I would not want to cancel, and if i am getting sick, in wont rest, because that is what I - don't - do... I put on Sherlock when i woke up at 4:00, and I dozed on and off while it has been on so now i have no idea what's going on. Cara woke me up at 4:00, she changed laundry and used the res...

February 27, 2014

Murphy's Law... Everything that can go wrong will... Write about a time that it did... Ok, based on the fact that I am at the urgent care with Cara - AGAIN - I'm going with, Cara was conceived. Love you Cara! Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 26, 2014

Happily Ever After... Think about this line for a moment, are you living it? If not, what will it take for you to get there? More education, and more money. Everything else is pretty good. I'm a lucky lady. Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 24, 2014

Buffalo Nickel Dig through your bag, car seats or couch cushions to find a coin. What is the year on that coin? What were you doing that year? Oh, I got 2001. I think that we all remember what happened that year. That was a bad year for this country. If you believe the conspiracies, then some people in our government planned this to make money off of war… That makes it a bad year for the whole world.   Beyond the sadness and possibly terrible things that happened that year, that was actually a good year for me. That year, I got my first tattoo, got an awesome green couch, got back at the girl that my husband was cheating on me with, had lots of fun with new friends and came out. Let's see, I got my first, and second tattoos in February of that year. I got my first tattoo and it had my husbands (at the time) initials in it. Then, a guy that we were friends with told me that he and his wife had a foursome with my husband (at the time) and another friend at a going away party...

February 20, 2014

If you were given a plot of land and financial resources to your needs, what would you do? This one is gonna be fun!!! I have planned this out on my head over and over! As I've grown, so as my plan / dream. Ok, I would build a compound in the mountains. Somewhere away from others, somewhere I could star gaze without city interference. So, the scene is set... My compound would be a small village. We would have enough room for friends and family of choice. Everyone would have their own house, to their specifications, and I would have a treehouse! Yes, a treehouse. That's part of my new dream. I saw a show a few weekends ago and it was all about treehouses! Yes please! In my community, every house would have solar panels on the roof, plus we would have a wind and solar farm in one area. We would be off the grid as far as electricity goes. For wifi and television, we'd have our own satellite. Yeah, that's the grid baby. We'd have walls, a...

February 19, 2014

Nightmare - describe a nightmare you've had. What do you think it meant? Ok, this is a good one, it startled me awake, I felt the need to get out a journal and write it down! I was trying not to let a bunch of gray balloons break, then Gandalf - the gray- told me not to look at the Angles. I fell, and the Weeping Angels - who are gray- fell on top of me, and I could see the whole thing from face level below us. Then, despite Gandalf's warning, I looked back at the Angels. They had weird tiny animatronic eyes -in the muppet monsters that were gray... Then I woke up! Ok - balloon are all of the things that I am trying to juggle right now, school, kids, crochet, lol Gandalf - I fell asleep watching The Hobbit Weeping Angels - there is a Weeping Angels mask I want from Hastings, they never have it. The eyes - Those were from watching the Jim Henson's creature challenge show, or whatever it's called, because that is what they were working on that night, is eyes.....

February 18, 2014

  A Look From The Outside Write about six unique and interesting things about yourself.   Well, for one, in this day and age, I can crochet. I'm not great at it, I know a few stitches, and I am wanting (but not really doing anything about it) to learn new stitches. That is somewhat unique, I guess if you went to a craft store and did a survey, not so much, but ask 100 women my age "on the street" and survey says... XXX - so that is one. I used to live in Belgium. I don't remember much, but I am Face Book friends with several of the people I used to know there, including my old babysitter - Anne Marie (I swear I didn't name my girls after her! But yay for happy coincidences!) I have (I think) found my old house on Google Earth, and I would like to go back there someday, but I am realistic about the chances of that actually happening. So, that's two then, isn't it? I have all of the Harry Potter audio books on my iPad. I think that just makes me...

February 17, 2014

Mentor - Have you ever had a mentor? What was the greatest lesson you learned from them? I guess I could say that my boss is my mentor? And what I have learned from her is to never give up. She is dealing with some pretty rough stuff right now, and she is not giving up.  She is also in school, going for her doctorate right now. She encouraged me when I was getting my GED, and now that I am in school.  So, never give up, never surrender... Wait, isn't that from Galaxy Quest? Either way, good quote. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 16, 2014

The Clock ... Write about anything you want for ten minutes. Here I sit at my GED graduation. I am nervous, excited and tired. I am pretty sure that I am coming down with something. After this we are going to Nana's and I told Robert that we might be able to go for a walk tonight after Orphan Black. I am looking forward to that, but again, SO TIRED! There are so many people here and the guests are arriving early and that makes m nervous that my family won't be able to find seats, at the same time, it makes it less likely that my mom will be able to sit with Heather and the kids and that is a good thing.  I have a Red Bull in my bag and I really want to drink it, but I don't want to have to pee she it matters. Think ill go now. So, it's hours later, I'm at the urgent care with Cara now, she has pain in her jaw. Her provider  is one that I do not respect very much so we are having to advocate a lot.  Graduation went well, it was very unorganiz...

February 15 2014

Proud - When was the last time that someone told you that they were proud of you? This weekend, lots of people told me they were proud of me. I got my GED in September, and this last weekend was my 'graduation'. I wasn't going to do it, but I decided to go ahead, I was saddest about not having a graduation when I was in high school. This one was not the same, but it was something. Don't complain because something is not what you had in mind, it is what you have in front of you, take advantage of it, so I did. Like Ice Cube and his Jesus Ring of Fire, not exactly, but the idea is the same. It has been put in front of me, so I will deal with it. Ok, so those are really two different ideas, but still. My family was there, and everyone was proud of me, even my dad told me, from beyond, the day before. This weekend was full of 'proud of you's! It was nice, though some part of me still feels like no one should be, because I should have done it when I was ...

February 14, 2014

Today is Valentine's Day, so write a poem dedicated to someone or something that you love... We are all made out of star dust. I am made out of the moon. I was once part of the majestic orb that lights up the night. The majestic orb that lures lovers, and guides the tides.      The moon looks down on me nightly, to check on my well being, even on nights that I cannot see her. Luna Lovegood is my Harry Potter twin. The blood moon bleeds for me. The harvest moons gathers for and from me. The blue moon is blue because we have been separated. The lunar eclipse is my moon doing tricks to make me smile. The Hunter's Moon hunts for and finds me. Lycanthropy is my secret code name. The moon is my secret astrological friend that I get to see every night, sometimes in the sky, sometimes in my dreams. Sometimes both. This may seem impossible to you, but I believe it! Thanks for reading. Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014 Explain your blogs title and what it means to you. My blog is called Addicted To Words, and I named it that because some words are more interesting than others to me. Not enough to do much about it, but still. I wrote down a phrase the other night in class to use somehow, but I can't find it, and of course I can't remember it... My blog should be named blog on a bus, because that is when I do most of my blogging. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 9, 2014

Childhood revisted. If you could change anything about your childhood what would it be? If you have kids, is there anything you wish was different for them? It would be the same for both mine and theirs, I wish that I, and that they, had played outside more as children, so that we were all more outdoorsy people now. While i do enjoy a walk in the park, and a few years ago I went on a hike in the woods, I much prefer the indoors. I wish now that I was a more outdoorsy person. I just do...  Thanks for reading, Misty  )O( Blessed Be

February 8, 2014

Do you believe in reincarnation? That is a tough one, but very funny that it is 'assigned' on the anniversary of my first marriage... I think that there are different versions of things all through life, stages. So, there are different stages of relationships, the honeymoon, the comfort zone, and finally, using the toilet with the door open... For example. Why can't there be different phases or stages of life? I have heard one theory of reincarnation, being that you live this life to learnt, and in the next life, you learn what you didn't get in the last life. Once you have learned all you have to learn, then you go on, not sure where, but on. I have not answered the question: Yes, I believer in reincarnation. I would like to think that you kinda get to choose when you are ready to come back. Kind of like a Karmic employment office... What did you go to learn in the last life? And do you think that you did? Let's go to the film to see if you did... W...

February 7, 2014

Right to Health - Is access to medical care something that government should provide or is it better left to the private sector? I do believe that everyone should the right to health care, and I think that it should be a governmental thing. Not sure how to run it, but there are other countries out there that offer free health care and college educations, and we should figure out how to be mor like the. Our government should serve the people not the corporations. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 5, 2014

Call me, maybe. Describe your relationship with your phone. Is it your lifeline, a buzzing nuisance or something in between? I had a smart phone until a week or so ago. It was not very smart, and while I liked being able to check Facebook on the bus, or check my email, like i said, it was slow. If I had an iPhone, then it might be different, I get those and they seem to get me too. Now, I have an old school flip phone and I am perfectly happy with it. It occasionally stops sending texts and I have to shut it off and redo it, but I am so glad not to have my old phone.  I am not connected to my ancient iPod. Mostly because my blog prompts are in it, also because I have music in it. I use it to listen to when I walk. It is also slow, but then again, it is an antique, what do you except? I can write while on the bus, and then send it, or them, once I get home, or to work, where ever there is wifi. Not a bad arrangement. Anyhow, I can totally see how a phone could help and ...

February 4, 2014

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes - When you make a change do you do it all at once or incrementally? It really seems to depend on the change. So far cold turkey has not worked for me. Trying to stop soda and that has not worked either way. I guess you have to want it bad enough. I kinda want it. I want to be a soda free person, however I still want to drink them. Lately it has gotten easier, they seem to be making me feel toxic when I drink them, so there is that.  Like I said, depends on the change. Change from non student to student, ALL AT ONCE. Decided it was time, did it. With much fear and trepidation however...let that be said... Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

February 3rd, 2014

A genie has granted your wish for the perfect reading and writing space, describe it. That's a hard one, so many things that I want. Let's see. For reading, I want a big bay window over looking mountains and trees and wild flowers, so this room would have to be on a house in the forest. So, a big bay windows, with pillows all around for comfort. A reading light built into the wall in several places, depending on where I wanted to sit or lay. Blankets, several comfy blankets or different weights, in a cabinet under the bay window seat. For writing, a nice big desk, with lots of drawers and organize-y gadgets. Lots of awesome paper and pens, and a computer with an ergonomic keyboard. It should be in the middle of this room. It should be perpendicular to the bay window seat, and it should look out its own brilliant views, overlooking a pond possibly. There would not be a window to look out though, it would be a set of French doors that lead out to a deck. This gives me a be...