
Showing posts from October, 2014

October 31 2014

Halloweeny! If bloggers had their own Halloween and could go from blog to blog collecting "treats", what would your blog hand out? The love of Doctor Who, and there for a picture of me as the TARDIS!  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 30 2014

Free To Be Me What's the character trait you admire most about yourself?  I am helpful. It is my favorite and sometimes least helpful trait.  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 28 2014

Seven Wonders Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand one another unless language is reduced to seven words. What would your seven words be? Soda, sleep, netflix, chips, music, homework & no  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 27 2014

The Golden Hour 6:00 am: The best hour of the day, or too close to your 3:00 am bed time? 6:00 am is my wake up time, wish it wasn't. I used to be a night owl, I miss that.  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 26th 2014

October 26th 2014  Breakdown Tell us about a habit you'd like to break. Is there any way it can play a positive role in your life? I'd like to stop drinking soda. I know that water is better for me, but soda is just so... Not water. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 25th 2014

Simply The Best NASA is building a new Voyager spacecraft that will carry the best of modern human culture. Who belongs aboard? Me and my wife, the pets.Seriously, I cannot think of anyone else that should go. People suck. I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

October 24 2014

Express Yourself Tell us about a time you couldn't write get your words or images to express what you wanted to express. What do you think the barrier was? For bonus points, try again.   Lately only when I try to blog. Letters to family have been ok, and stuff for school comes pretty easily, but we'll see, since I need to write about a business 'thing' I went to, and I'm going to have to really BS it since not a lot happened . Which will be hard especially since the teacher was at it too.  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 23rd 2014

As Seen On T.V.  Write a script for a late night informercial – where the product is your blog. How do you market yourself? What qualities do you embody that other "products" don't? What are the benefits of reading your blog? My blog is awesome, but wait! There's more! You get a glimpse into my freaky little head!  What more could you ask for? How much would you pay for this service? Nothing? Well that's good, because that's how much it costs!  Tune in daily, I might have done my blog, who knows! It's like  a crap shoot! Take the gamble, click my link baby ;) *shameless self promotion* I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

October 22nd 2014

Sad But True  Tell us about the harshest, most difficult to hear – but accurate – criticism you've ever gotten. Does it still apply?  Basically that I can be mean. That hurts because I try to be nice and I am too nice to some people that don't deserve it, but to those that I should be the nicest to, I can be mean. I don't want to hurt those I love. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 21st 2014

Blank Is  The  New Blank Click over to your favorite blog, and pick out the 4 th  and 14 th words (That aren't "the" or "an"). Drop them into this phrase: _____ is the new ______. There's your post title. Now write! Get is the New Who. I do not have a favorite blog, so I did the "next blog" thing and this is the one that I came upon, one about Doctor Who! It is WAY old though, from 2010, so... I was reading into some of the old entries, and I cannot follow this person's time lines... Might be that he is The Doctor, timey whimey and what not!  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 19th 2014

Home Sweet Home When you're away from home, what person, thing or place do you miss most? Assuming that I went with my family, not my family. If not with my family, then my family, duh. Wife, son and daughters.  I miss my cats, my dogs, but less so, since they don't like me that much. I miss walking around in my comfortable clothes and being able to pass gas when and where I want. I miss the safe zone my home provides! I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 18th 2014

Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious You get some incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic news. What is the first thing you do? The happy dance, then I call my wife! Or maybe I blog about it, but based on my recent record, probably not. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 17 2014

Community Service Your entire community – however you define that: your hometown, your neighborhood, your family, your collegues – is guaranteed to read your blog tomorrow. Write a post you'd like them to all to see. Be excellent to each other... I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 16th 2014

Honorific  Today is officially declared "Person X Day" – and you get to pick Person X. Tell us about someone who deserves to be commemorated. Me! No, no, no, wait...You. You are amazing, you must be you found your way here to my blog, AND you're still reading, so, Person - X, congratulations! You are awesome!  I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 15th 2014

Childlike Explain your biggest regret – as though to a small child. I like soda, it tastes yummy, but it's not good for me like an apple or water would be. I wish that I didn't like soda so much so I would not drink it so much. Drinking so much soda makes my scale sad. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 13th 2014

Michelangelo's YOU Your personal sculptor is carving  a person, thing or even from the last month of your life, into the glistening marble of immortality. What's the statue and what makes it so significant? My Gramma Inez... She was amazing. I miss her and I did not live up to my desire to let her know it. Now, she is making my life easier through her kindness and general awesomeness! I was lucky to have her in my life!  I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

October 12th 2014

Blogger In A Strange Land Whats the strangest place from which you've posted your blog? When was the last time you were out and about and suddenly thought, "I need to write about this!"? Abilene Texas is the strangest place I've blogged from and I'd have to say it's usually about the odd things I have seen or that my family has said or done! I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 11th 2014

October 11 th  2014 Mid-Season Replacement For many of us the seasons are changing, bouncing unpredictably between cold and warm. Are you glad to be moving into a new season, or wishing for one more week of the old? I enjoy the fall with all that it brings, it is indeed my favorite season. I am happy to see it come, and sad to see it go when it is time. I dislike to heat, really, I do... I love putting on a sweater to keep warm. I LOVE THE FALL!!!! I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 10th 2014

Fright Night Do you like being scared by books, films and surprises? Describe the sensation of being scared and why you love it or don't. I don't like being scared. I do not like it Sam I am. I do not like it in a book, I do not like it in a movie, I do not like, I don't think it's groovy! I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 8th 2014

BLOGGERS, UNPLUGGED Sometimes, we all need a break from these little glowing boxes. How do you know when it is time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen? When I can't see straight. Then I TRY to leave everything away from me and I crochet, or other craft that I am into. Sometimes I'll put in a movie, if it's a good one it does the trick.  Ask my wife, it rarely works. :) I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 7 2014

EXHALE Tell us about a time when everything seemed to be going wrong -  and then, suddenly, you knew it would be alright. The day my aunt called and told me how much my inheritance was. It is enough for me to get COMPLETELY out of debt and then some. This was just a day after we bought grammas car and I was a little worried about the increased costs associated with said car; payments, insurance, gas, registration and maintenance.  Now, we will be out of debt and then some!  I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

October 6 2014

October 6 2014 Mixtape Masterpiece You make a new friend. Make them a mix tape ( or playlist for you younin's) that tells them who you are through song.  Today I am just sad, my gramma died early this morning. Our time it was last. Why do my relatives do that?  Anyways, right now would probably be a lot of Enya and other shit I don't actually like, I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 5 2014

Eye Of The Beholder Describe what it feels like to hear a beautiful piece of music or see a stunning piece of art.  A great song makes my soul smile. A great piece of art makes me wish I had that talent, but lucky that I get to look at it. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 4 2014

The Clothes That (May) Make The (Wo)Man How important are clothes to you? Describe your style, if you have one, and tell us how appearance impacts how you feel about yourself. Clothes are good. Being nekked in public is illegal.  I have certain outfits that I feel super cute or super confident in, and I like that. I don't wanna wear them so often that people think "oh, she's wearing that again!" But I'll wear them as often as I think I can rotate them and get away with it!  There are certain outfits I don't feel great in, the thing is, and there is a thing... At the end of the day I'm so happy to be getting out of them that I tend to forget I hate them, hence I wear them again! There's gotta be better way! I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 3 2014

New Internet Order   All the world's countries have decided that the Internet itself needs a government. Your country asks you to run for Prime Minister of the Net - do you accept? If so, what will your platform be?  I would not run, but if I did it would be on the platform of not interfering with things as long as they are legal. Well, maybe I would run on the platform of no censorship, again, as long as it's legal. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

October 2 2014

Reading Material How do you pick what blogs or books to read? What's the one thing that will get you to pick up a book or click on a link every time? Anything to do with Doctor Who, kittens, and unicorns. Just kidding. I guess it just depends on what I am interested in at the time. So yes to the Doctor Who and kittens.  I like to binge on things, like TV shows. I guess my fascination, and what leads me to click on a link or read an article depends on what I am interested in at the time. I bequeath this blog to the world, in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty

October 1, 2014

Fearful Symmetry Pick a letter, any letter. Now, write a story, poem of post in which every line starts with that letter. D Dinning on doughnuts is delicious!  I bequeath this blog on the world in order to make it a better place.