
Showing posts from December, 2014

December 31 2014

A Brand New You, Effective Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the first day of a brand new year. Tomorrow you get to become anyone in the world that you wish. Who are you? If you decide to stay "you" share your reasons. I will be someone who makes better decisions about everything in my life from the foods and drinks I consume, to the way I deal with stressful people and situations... I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

December 30 2014

I Believe In Magic You have been transformed into a mystical being that has the ability to do magic. Share your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills?  I would heave the ability to solve arguments and make people happy. Like the Sims cheat code... testingcheats true - shift on person - make happy.  I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 29 2014

Brainwave What is the best idea you have ever had? Regale us with every detail of the idea – the idea itself, where it came to you, and the problem it solved. Once I thought I might be gay, so I kissed a girl, and since that worked for me, I went with it... I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

December 28 2014

The New School You get to redesign school as we know it from the ground up. Will you do away with reading, writing and arithmetic? What skills and knowledge will your school focus on imparting to young minds. I would add more hands on, and real life classes. I would copy the school systems in countries that have it right... I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. )O( Misty

December 27 2014

You're A Winner You have just won $1 billion dollars in the local lottery. You do not have to pay taxes on your winnings. How will you spend the money? I would pay off all debt for all members of our families. Then I would arrange for my in laws to come home. Then I would purchase the land the cabin is on, and all the plots on both sides, then I would have New cabins built around the existing cabin, and have the existing cabin refine, good as new. Of course I would get us a new house, and the girls each a home, semi decent in the area of school, and I would make sure they have enough money to go to school. And the same for b the boy, get him all set up for school. New cars for each of us. Savings and investments set up for us, our kids, and any grand kids... Of course some would go to charity each year. Enough to be a nice tax deduction. I would quit work and go to school full time, after all the moving was  done. I would also hire a personal chef... I bequeath this blog to the wor...

December 26 2014

December 26 2014 Moment of Clarity Tell us about a time you'd been trying to solve a knotty problem -  maybe it was an interpersonal problem, a life problem, a big ol' problem -  and you had a moment of clarity when the solution appeared to you, as though you were struck by lightning. Once I thought I might be gay, so I kissed a girl, and yep, I'm gay. So I found a good woman who puts up with me, and lightning strikes everyday... I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss

December 25 2014

I was Here You are the first astronaut to arrive on a new, uncharted planet. Write the note that you would leave those that come after you. Hello you alien scourge...just kidding, we are humans and sometimes we joke when we are nervous. For the most part we are good people. Please don't judge us all on the actions of the few, and especially not those that are famous for no other reason than that they are famous...   judge us on the actions of those that are good,  for the most part, we are. I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss

December 24 2014

December 24 2014 The Best Day Ever You get to enjoy the best day ever – describe in details what that means to you. Where are you? What will you do? What is the weather like? What will you eat? Who will you see? I get to spend the day in pajamas, warm pajamas, while it snows outside, winter wonder land! Fire going and lots of yummy easy to cook foods on hand.  I crochet all day while watching tv and movies. . Lots of laughing, some napping, maybe someone plays with my hair for a while. At the end of the day, my better half draws one of her crazy on my back, I love that! I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss

December 23 2014

The Guilt That Haunts Me Share a time when you were overcome with guilt. What were the circumstances? How did you overcome your guilt? I have hurt people that love me. No matter how big no matter how small, when I hurt someone I love, especially due to my inconsiderate actions, I feel bad for it. Please take this as an apology for the actions that have hurt you. I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty

December 22 2014

Interplanet Janet You get to design your own planet: tell us all about your planet – the weather, the seasons, the inhabitants. Go! Week my planet would be an human planet. There would give be mythical creatures.... dragons, unicorns, all the creatures mentioned in Harry Potter. Hogwarts would be real and Ireland would be MY island. I would live in my own castle, and have lands and farmers around me. And it would be a thriving community. As for the weather, I would be able to control the weather at  whim. The entire planet would be green and lots of scarf wearing trees, also known as yarn bombs. It would be a mix between Robin Hood with Russel Crow, but lures evil king, and the planet's everyone stays young in Star Trek Insurrection... I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss

#MistysMovieTrails Origins

#MistysMovieTrails ORIGINS This is where it all started, back in May of 2014. I decided that I will watch a movie, and use the actors and or directors to pick my next movie. In this manner, I will go through all of the movies that we own, which right now, is almost 800. # MistysMovieTrails Started with Finding Nemo to The King's Speech Was the first movie, chosen for no real reason, just did. I will list all of the movies that I have watched, and from now on, I will post a little blurb about the movie, what I thought, if I crashed (usually do) whatever seems worth writing about! Thanks for reading, Misty

December 21 2014

December 21 2014 My Number One Who is the most important person in your life? Describe that person in as great a detail as you can muster and most importantly, tell us why you cherish this person. For better or worse they are many people that are important to me, that have helped make me me  who I am. I cannot choose one. So I choose me! I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss

December 20 2014

Forgive And Forget Share a story where it was very difficult for you to forgive the perpetrator for wronging you. But you did it – you forgave them. It's not so that I forgave the last person to hurt us, she tried to tea my family apart, that is not forgivable. I just refuse to I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty

December 19 2014

A Random Act Of Kindness Tell us about the time when you performed a secret random act of kindness -  when the recipient of your kindness never found out about your good deed. How did the deed go down? We paid for the guy behind us at Target once. He had a banana and a soda, I think. It was fine, I think that he was a bit weirded out by it,  but he let us. I wish we could do more stuff like that but people get offended by things too easily... I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss

December 18 2014

Mad As A Hatter Tell us about a time when you flew into a rage? What is it that made you so incredibly angry? Most likely it was on the freeway, or some other time I was driving, with other people on the road. I get angry very fast when I drive. Could it be from all the times that I bottle my anger in other situations? That is not safe, to bottle it, or to let it come out while I drive... Maybe I should take up boxing? I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 17 2014

You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch What is your least favorite personal quality in others? Extra points for sharing your least favorite personal quality in yourself. In others, not being organized, especially when it causes issues for me. In myself, being to quick to give up, and when I get frustrated with others when I don't understand what they are trying to tell me. Personal revelation sucks sometimes.  I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 16 2014

By The Skin Of Your Teeth Share a time when you narrowly avoided disaster.   One night, when I worked at Presbyterian, I was driving to work. Still on the side streets in our neighborhood, and this guy FLEW through the stop sign, I did not have one my way, so I almost got hit... So close that I had serious shakes! Then, I got onto Central and a few lights up, either Zuni or Louisiana, I cannot remember now, but that same truck was flipped in the intersection. Turns out he was running from the cops! I could have been T-boned in that first intersection, and who knows what other near misses there were that I didn't know about.   I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 15 2014

Memories Of Holidays Past What is your favorite holiday? Recount the specific memory or memories that have made that holiday special to you. Driving around to look at Christmas lifts with Diane and the boys. One night it was very snowy, but now snowing, and the lights were more amazing then ever. One house had a show we stopped at and the family came out to talk to us, and brought candy canes. So much fun. Never since then has a light looking drive been so amazing. I keep trying though!  I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 14 2014

Festivus For The Rest Of Us You have been named supreme ruler of the universe. Your first order of business is creating and instituting a holiday or festival in your honor. What day of the year is your holiday? The color of the holiday would be green and blue. Doctor Who would be run all day, trees would be planted and crafting would be the ideal activity.  I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 13 2014

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention Imagine, in great detail, an invention that could help reverse pollution – describe for us how your invention works and how it will help save the planet. Solar panel lined EVERYTHING THAT DOESNT MOVE! Every home, business, what ever, must have solar panes on the roof, carport, shed, any surface that has a roof, must have a solar panel. Installed and paid for by the government, creating jobs, creating energy, less dependance on oil, and no, the sun will not run out.... Imagine the innovations that wi be created with all the advances that will come along with this, new and better panels, stronger collection, the price of oil will go down, cars will still need it,  but nothing else.  Then, in a decade or two, we work on cars. With the advancement in solar panels, cars will naturally be next to be converted to cleanliness... The best way to get the bible thumping oil lovers on board would be to explain that solar is clean, and ...

December 12 2014

Daring Do Tell us about the time you rescued someone else (person or animal) from a dangerous situation. What happened? How did you prevail? I once met a girl, who was awesome and wonderful. She was in a relationship with a dog named Paris, but the human who owned Paris was a horrible person! I made the wonderful girl fall in love with me and together we went to get her belongings from the trailer/hovel of the horrible person. The wonderful girl left thee horrible woman a letter telling her she had moved on, and the children peed in the toilet as a final eff off! The wonderful girl and I got married and for better or worse we are still together. :) I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 11 2014

My Precious Who is the person in your life that can do no wrong? Describe this person and tell us why you hold them in such high esteem? No one is perfect, but the person in my life that is closest would be my wife. No matter what she may do, her good deeds always out weigh any 'bad' deeds. She takes care of me like no one else every has. That includes my blood family.  Now, as far as the person who can do NO wrong, that would be The Doctor, the tenth and or eleventh, specifically... But, since they are not really in my life, they don't really count. Yes, it's my wife. Even when she makes me crazy, I love her! I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 10 2014

Unexpected Unexpectedly, you lose your job. (Or a loved one. Or something or someone important to you.) What do you do next? I would get even... *grimacing, maniacal, super villain  hand-rub* Seriously though, I think that I would enlist support from loved ones to help me through. I would try to figure out what the Universes plan for me is, and if I don't like it or can't figure it, give a giant middle finger to the Universe. I'm sure the Universe would understand I'm grieving...   I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 9 2014

Out Of Your Reach Was there a toy or thing you always wanted as a child, during the holidays or on your birthday, but never received? Tell us about it. A 1966 Mustang… Still don’t have one, dammit!

December 8 2014

A Source Of Anxiety Write about a noise – or even silence -   that won’t go away. (We’ll let you interpret this in different ways..) Knocking four times…

December 7 2014

What’s Your Learning Style? What is your learning style? Do you prefer learning in a group and in an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do you retain information best through lectures, or visuals, or simply by reading books? One on one, I think is best, but sometimes in a group, as long as I feel comfortable with that group. Hands on is defiantly the best for me…

December 6 2014

Fifteen Minutes You have 15 minutes to address the whole world live (on television or radio – choose your format) What would you say? On Radio – I would say, stop being stupid, your beliefs are yours, and I don’t have a problem with that, leave me to mine. Mostly, be excellent to each other!

December 5 2014

The Power of Touch Textures are everywhere: The rough edges of a stone wall. The smooth innocence of a baby's cheek. The sense of touch brings back memories for us. What texture is particularly evocative to you? The feel of yarn running through and over my hands when I am in the zone crocheting.  That or having someone play with my hair or rub my back, thats good too! I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 4 2014

Five Items A classic question, revisited: What are the five items you must have on a deserted island? 1. Unlimited supply of crochet and embroidery items 2. Entertainment system with every song, movie, game every created that is self sustaining (never breakable) 3. OASIS top of the line gear 4. Skittles tree ( or other fictional food giving tree 5. My wife (not really a thing, but I would want her there, so Im ok with objectifying here for this list) OR A way off the island!  I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 3 2014

Sink Or Swim Tell us about a time when you were left on your own, to fend for yourself in an overwhelming situation – on the job, at home or at school. What was the outcome? Lately, a lot at work. Feeling really overwhelmed on that front. My boss just keeps piling stuff on me without the proper training or back up. Maybe I should be honored that she has faith in my abilities, but I feel like I cannot get ahead at anything at work because of all of my responsibilities.  I do ok, I get things done, not as well as I'd like though...  I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

December 2 2014

Now You See Me You have a secret superpower: the ability to appear and disappear at will. When and where will you use this new superpower? Tell us a story I blog on the bus, so I don't have time to write a whole story...if I had this power, I would use it for good instead of evil, mostly... I would use it to show up where people are being bullied or other crimes that the perpetrator thinks they are not being seen, and stop the offense. I would also use it to see what people really think of me... Or if I think someone is talking about me or others I care about, I'd eavesdrop! Also, to see what the kids really want for their birthday.... To get the answers to tests... To check the procedures at any place in dinning.  Ok, so there are tons of possibilities, but mostly to hear what people really think of me! I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty Cheers, Misty 

#MistysMovieTrails ORIGINS

#MistysMovieTrails ORIGINS This is where it all started, back in May of 2014. I decided that I will watch a movie, and use the actors and or directors to pick my next movie. In this manner, I will go through all of the movies that we own, which right now, is almost 800. # MistysMovieTrails  Started with Finding Nemo to The King's Speech Was the first movie, chosen for no real reason, just did. I will list all of the movies that I have watched, and from now on, I will post a little blurb about the movie, what I thought, if I crashed (usually do) whatever seems worth writing about! Thanks for reading, Misty

December 1 2014

Tell us about a conversation that you overheard but wish you hadn't. Who knows, most things that I think I have heard, I hear wrong. I'll just assume anything that I have heard I wish I hadn't, was wrong, and I can live my life in peace. I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be  )O( Misty -- Thank you, Misty Bishop-Martiss