June 28, 2016 #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs"
#MistysMovieTrails - 12 Years a Slave to Beasts of the Southern Wild via (583) I Just cannot find anything… Need help from my expert… One good thing… My wife took me to lunch yesterday, we had yummy burritos and ate at a pretty park. Health … Nose is better, not 100% yet, but better by far. Now, if these weather headaches would go away, who knows, maybe they are stress? What am I Thankful for today… I have a job One Thing That I Learned Today… I need to stand up for myself, going to practice that later today, nervous… One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me… Today I will tell my boss how I really feel about my job… Craft of the day… Working on Jelly Fish! Miss working on Julie's tree! Aisha's blanket is done, pics later! Still working on the tree for Julie, but I also started on some "end-of-the-year-gift-giving-time" gifts! Making stuff takes more time and love (gag me with a spoon) than buying stuff! ...