November 27th 2018 #MistysMovieTrails, Crafting, Self Sufficiency, Along With Other "Stuffs"
# MistysMovieTrails - H ow To Be Single to The Post via Alison Brie (718) One good thing.... We are giving Luna stability One thing I have done or learned toward being more self-sufficient – Gonna make bread tonight, honestly, have fallen off of the wagon, but I have a plan in my new bullet journal to help me. This month (starting today, because I screwed up last night) - no more plastic bags, going to start bringing my reusable bags! Health... stuffy nose, weird swollen thing in my neck. Slept well, so there's that. What am I Thankful for Today... Coming back to work was not that bad, could have been worse! One Thing That I Learned Today... There is goodness in strangers One Thing I Have Done That Scare Me Today... Not yet, but going to meet with the CYFD lady about Luna. ...