January 15th, 2018 #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs"

#MistysMovieTrails Star Trek The Undiscovered Country to Titanic via David Warner (684.5) One good thing.... My uncle fell asleep at the wheel of his rig and is still alive after the wreck. Health… Headache, wheezing, coughing... Ugh! What am I Thankful for Today… Get to leave "Early" today to see the baby! One Thing That I Learned Today... People suck and I can't do shit about it, except not take their shit. One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me... Tried oatmeal with peanut butter... Not a fan of how it turned out, however, the oatmeal was too cooked... Will try again another day. Craft of the Day - ❤ Still working on the sweater. The next step is to make the pieces that will have arm holes! ❤ I bequeath t...