July 31st , 2018 #MistysMovieTrails, Crafting Along With Other "Stuffs"
#MistysMovieTrails I, Tonya to Ready Player One via McKenna Grace (698) One good thing.... I KNOW my wife loves me! Health… Still having stomach issues, but better today than yesterday. What am I Thankful for Today... Better today than yesterday One Thing That I Learned Today... Getting old sucks. One Thing I Have Done That Scare Me Today... Waited for Robert in the car at Wal-Mart while I am having stomach issues... Craft of the Day - ❤ working on Centi-Kitty for Maggie and a Minon for a co-worker ❤ I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty ...