Most of us are good at tearing ourselves down, write about the favorite thing about yourself. Like the prompt says, this is not easy. I would say my favorite thing about myself is that I am 'cute'. Physically, emotionally, mentally, personality wise. I think that the best way to describe myself is cute. I'm not sexy, I don't feel like I am, and when I have tried to be, I feel like a fail, epic-ally! I don't think that people see me as smart, I'm not dumb, but I do too many dumb things to be smart... I am not particularly talented at any one thing, but I can do enough things reasonably well, to at least enjoy them. Crochet and needlepoint are two examples. I am not a master craftslady, but I can make a cute bug sampler! There is that word again, cute. Let's define it, shall we? Adjective # Possessing phy sical featu res, behaviors, personality traits or other properties that are mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals; e.g. fair, dain...