
Showing posts from September, 2014

September 30 2014

ON THE ROAD If you could pause real life and spend some time living with a family anywhere in the world, where would you go? Belgium I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O(

September 29 2014

CLEANING HOUSE Is there "junk" in your life? What kind? How do you get rid of it? Usually I know I have too much stuff and it kinda bothers me, but not enough to do anything about it. However, when my crazy hoarding mother pisses me off, I tend to go through a purge phase! I want to clean the garage while I am on vacation, so we'll see if I can just do t because I want to, or if I need to pick a fight with my mother! I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty

September 28 2014

EBB AND FLOW Our blogs morph over time, as interests shift and life happens. Write a post for your blog - but three years in the future. I am finally graduating! Yeah! I can't believe that I'm still blogging every day, or so. Sorry if they have been boring and or short, but I've been studying a lot. I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O(

September 27 2014

A BEND IN TIME When you're giddy with excitement, does time speed up? Slow down? Tell us about the experience of anticipation. I guess it depends on the event, but usually good things speed time up. Time flies when you're having fun, right? I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty

September 26 2914

2100 The language of the future: what will it be like? Write an experimental post using some imagined vocabulary - abbreviations, slang, new terms. I really hope people don't even speak in the future. Maybe just some implants in our brains that let us communicate with other implants. That being said, the communication will be in code, and since I don't know 1's and 0's code, I can't come up with any slang... Oh wait... 1100000110100111000110000100100100 And then he tried to stab me with a pitchfork.... I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place. Blessed Be )O( Misty

September 25 2014

CELEBRATE THE GOOD TIMES You receive some wonderful, improbable, hoped- for good news. How do you celebrate? A nice dinner out with friends and or friends. Blessed Be )O(

September 24 2014

STANDSTILL For a moment today, time stands still - but you can tweak one thing while it' stopped. What do you do? Seriously, if I could stop time for a while...hate to say it, but I'd rob some banks. I mean, this is just a hypothetical, right? You don't actually know anyone that can stop time for me? Ok then... I'd rob as many banks as I could... Rather I would liberate some excess cash and bring it to my home for my use, typical Robin Hood stuff right there. I could use some money to pay of bill and get a new car. Maybe I'd just go into the computer systems of my creditors and 'pay off' my balances. With no big bills like mortgage and stupid loan, I could afford a new car, or two in no time. I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 23 2014

NON SEQUITUR Write a post about anything you'd like, but be sure to include this sentence somewhere in the final paragraph: " He tried to hit me with a forklift!" I was on the bus and there was a guy who would not share his seat, even though there were lots of people and not enough seats. I got up and went to him and asked him to let someone sit down beside him. He was not pleased and 'He tried to hit me with a forklift'. The oddest part was that I didn't see that forklift before that...weird, on a bus and all... I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 22 2014

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Tell us about a talent you'd love to have... but don't. Time traveler... There are never enough hours in the day. Like right now, not enough time to give this blog proper attention. I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 20 2014

NO FAIR Tell us about something you think is terribly unfair - and explain how you would try to rectify it? When selfish people on the bus won't share their seat on a crowded trip. Unless you paid for two seats, hold your effing bag and let someone sit down. What would rectify it would be signage on the bus saying so, or you know, common sense and kindness. However, you cannot regulate that, can you? I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 21 2014

September 21 2014 WE CAN BE TAUGHT! What makes a teacher great? To really care about students. To be excited about what they are teaching. To pass that excitement to the students. To be easily approachable. To be willing to help. To be willing to help when students are brave enough to ask for it. I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 20 2014

NO FAIR Tell us about something you think is terribly unfair - and explain how you would try to rectify it? I really want to give this post a serious try, so I'll save it for later. I know that there are things, so I want to wait until I can give it a real thought. Right now I have accounting on the brain. Blessed Be )O(

September 19 2014

ARE YOU BEING SERVED? What is the most dreadful (or wonderful) experience you've ever had as a customer? Honestly can't think of any either way. Oh wait, MDW and I went to IHOP and the service and the food both sucked. Took forever, waitress is a ditz, and just didn't want to be there... Won't be going there again! I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 18 2014

NAKED, WITH BLACK SOCKS Are you comfortable in front of people, or does the idea of public speaking make you want to hide in a bathroom? Why? Public speaking terrifies me, only because of the way my body reacts to stress. Face goes red and hot, and my ears start ringing, so I can't hear what others are saying, or what I am saying. I need to figure out a better way to deal with stress! I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 17 2014

THE CAT SAYS MEOW Write a story about yourself from the perspective of an object, thing, animal, or another person. My human never lets me in her room. She gets mad when I get on the couch. She freaks out when I try to give her love by sitting in her lap when she is wearing work clothes. I know she loves me, because she buys me food. She yells a lot, mostly, she yells 'I PAY THE MORTGAGE!' I don't know what that means, but everyone laughs so I guess it can't be bad. All in all, I know my human loves me, cuz, I have food, a warm blanket to sleep under, plus the other human female that lives here gives me treats! Blessed Be )O(

September 16 2014

SUPER SENSITIVE If you were forced to give up one sense, but gain super-sensitivity in another, which senses would you choose? I'd give up the sense of smell, lots of farts around here, mostly mine, and they are bad. I'd rather have super hearing because right now my hearing sucks, so with super hearing I might have regular hearing! I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 15 2014

SORRY, I'M BUSY Tell us about a time when you should have helped someone, but didn't. Can't blog now, busy. I bequeath this post upon the world in order to make it a better, more enlightened place. Blessed Be )O(

September 14 2014

BOOKWORMS Grab the nearest book. Open it and go to the tenth word. Do a Google Image Search of the word. Write about what the image brings to mind. The tenth word is 'being'. This morning, 'being' a Cowboys fan is going to hurt! :) Blessed Be )O(

September 13 2014

SNARK BOMS, AWAY! Try your hand at parody or satire - take an article, film, blog post, or song you find misguided, and use humor to show us how. No... Blessed Be )O(

September 12 2014

TOY STORY What was your favorite plaything as a child? Do you see any connection between your life no, and your favorite childhood today? My hotwheels and my fisher price little people garage. Hands down! Loved playing with them, mostly putting a car in the car elevator at the bottom and then bringing it to the top, and if you turned the crank one more turn, a lip came up at the back that would tip the car out so it could ride down the ramp. Simpler times. :) Blessed Be )O(

September 11 2014

September 11 2014 THANK YOU The internet is fill of rants. Help tip the balance: today, simply be thankful for something (or someone). Thank you thank you thank you to my wife for each and everything that she does for me. Even the things that I might not notice right away, or at all. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Blessed Be )O(

September 10 2014

September 10 2014 Six of one half - a dozen of the other Write a six word story about what you think the future holds for you, and then expand on that post I WILL HAVE MY DEGREE SOON Well, not really soon soon, but sooner than later. Blessed Be )O(

September 9 2014

WHAT A TWIST Tell us a story - fiction or non fiction - with a twist we didn't see coming Once upon a time, I got a good nights sleep. What a twist*... *Said like the Robot Chicken sketch :) Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

September 8 2014

The Excitement Never Ends Tell about the last thing that you got excite about - Butterflies in the stomach, giggling, can't wait excited. Sons of Anarchy. Started watching yesterday and I am hooked! I Bequeath This Blog To The World, In Order To Improve It. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

September 7 2014

Luxurious What's the one luxury you can't live without? Slippers, because I hate for my feet to touch the ground. The ground is yucky! I Bequeath This Blog To The World, In Order To Improve It. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

September 6 2014

Regrets, I've Had A Few What's your biggest regret? How would your life have been different if you'd made another decision? Those shoes with that belt... Seriously, when I have intentionally or unintentionally hurt others. I Bequeath This Blog To The World, In Order To Improve It. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

September 5 2014

Imagine All The People The next time you're in a public place - a coffeehouse, a park a store, observe the people around you. Pick a person, a couple or a group and imagine what their lives might be like. This is a great prompt, but as I will not be seeing any people today, as 'I just can't' today, I won't be able to do this one. I can tell you what I think though, just looking at someone will never adequately make it so you understand them. Everyone, including me wears masks to some if not all of the people, and there for you can never really know until you take the time to really get to know them. Also, you should never judge a book by its cover. I Bequeath This Blog To The World, In Order To Improve It. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

September 4 2014

I Am A Rock Is it easy for you to ask for help when you need it, or do you prefer to rely on yourself? Why? Yes I have a hard time asking for help. Because I want to be self sufficient. Because I don't want to bother people, or because I do not think that I can count on them. Those are the reasons, and they apply differently to different people. Momma Bear

September 3 2014

Blogger With A Cause If your day to day responsibilities were taken care of and you could throw yourself completely behind a cause, what would it be? I really do not know, besides napping... Yep, I would bring awareness to the need for more sleep. That countries that allow 'nap time' for their employees are more productive. I'm tired... I need a nap. Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

September 2 2014

Name! Do you know the meaning of your name, and why your parents chose it? Do you think it suits you? What about your children's names? My name is a weather condition, or the state of a mountain in a Led Zeppelin song. I do not know who gave me my name. The story goes that my parents could not decide so my grandmother gave it to me. However, I do not know whose story that is, might even be my own? I would like to think that Led Zeppelin gave me my name, so now that's a thing. Just exactly right now, that is a thing that was invented. I do totally think that my name suits me. Without going into too much detail about what it means as a person name versus a weather condition, yes, I think it suits me. It is unique, like me. I like it and I would not trade it for the world. My oldest was named using the family name, my middle was named after my best friend I highschool, and my sons name was chosen off of a bicycle license plate in Wal-Mart while I was pr...

September 1 2014

Groundhog Day In the comedy Groundhog Day, Bill Murray experienced the same day over and over until he got the day "right". What day would you choose to repeat until you got it right? Do you think it's ever possible to get life "right"? Everything happens for a reason, so no, I would not change anything. Even the things that hurt me, and the things were I hurt others. Those things either made relationships stronger, or made them fall away as it should be. I Bequeath This Blog To The World, In Order To Improve It. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be