July 7 2015 - #MistysMovieTrails / Square of The Day
#MistysMovieTrails - Willow to legend via Billy barty (359). I am somewhat ashamed to say that I had never seen willow before last night. I really enjoyed it, and I enjoyed date night. I missed date night. Need to get back in the habit, but as with all habits we try to get into, it seems they just do not stick.
Health - Slept better last night. Still feel weak and tired, and headachy, but not as bad. Plan to try and cut breads out of breakfast. Need to get back to doing the oatmeal thing again. That worked well and it was good as long as I did not let it get cold. Why is it that even when I find something good for me, I refuse to do it. What is the deal with the self-sabotage?
Crafting - Working on Yule Gifts for friends and family.
Square Of The Day - Because I miss winter, and I did not want to pick colors, and I am out of variegated balls, and this was already rolled.
I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.
Blessed Be
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