November 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, December 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 2015 - #MistysMovieTrails / Square of The Day

#MistysMovieTrails Transformers: Age of Extinction to The Wind Rises Via Stanley Tucci
(471) Wednesday
#MistysMovieTrails The Wind Rises to Castle in The Sky Via Hayao Miyazaki (472) Thursday
#MistysMovieTrails Castle in The Sky to The Cat Returns Via Hayao Miyazaki (473) Friday
#MistysMovieTrails The Cat Returns to From Up On Poppy Hill Via Hayao Miyazaki (474) Saturday
#MistysMovieTrails From Up On Poppy Hill to The Princess Kaguya Via Hayao Miyazaki (475) Sunday
#MistysMovieTrails  The Princess Kaguya To My Neighbor Totoro Via Hayao Miyazaki (476) Monday
#MistysMovieTrails  My Neighbor Totoro to Nausicaa Via Hayao Miyazaki (477) Tuesday
#MistysMovieTrails  Nausicaa to Ponyo Via Hayao Miyazaki (478) Wednesday
#MistysMovieTrails  Ponyo to Porco Rosso Via Hayao Miyazaki (479) Thursday
#MistysMovieTrails  Porco Rosso to Spirited Away Via Hayao Miyazaki (480) Friday
#MistysMovieTrails Spirited Away to Kiki's Delivery Service  Via Hayao Miyazaki (481) Saturday
#MistysMovieTrails Kiki's Delivery Service to Howl's Moving Castle Via Hayao Miyazaki (482) Sunday 
Nothing past Sunday

One good thing…New Equipment from DirectTV!!!

Health  - Not dead yet, looking forward to March when I can get my nose meats broke and unbroke and scraped and fixed in general!

Crafting -  Working on ornament hats, and slippers, and beanies, and snowflakes, and, and, and…  Need to start on baby stuff soon! ;)

Square Of The Day  -  There are a few! I will post them later, when I have them all at my disposal, they are at home!

I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.

Blessed Be


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