November 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, December 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 2015 - #MistysMovieTrails / Square of The Day
Transformers: Age of Extinction to The Wind Rises Via Stanley Tucci
The Wind Rises to Castle in The Sky Via Hayao Miyazaki (472) Thursday
Castle in The Sky to The Cat Returns Via Hayao Miyazaki (473) Friday
The Cat Returns to From Up On Poppy Hill Via Hayao Miyazaki (474) Saturday
From Up On Poppy Hill to The Princess Kaguya Via Hayao Miyazaki (475) Sunday
#MistysMovieTrails The Princess Kaguya To My Neighbor Totoro Via
Hayao Miyazaki (476) Monday
#MistysMovieTrails My Neighbor Totoro to Nausicaa Via Hayao
Miyazaki (477) Tuesday
#MistysMovieTrails Nausicaa to Ponyo Via Hayao Miyazaki (478)
#MistysMovieTrails Ponyo to Porco Rosso Via Hayao Miyazaki (479)
#MistysMovieTrails Porco Rosso to Spirited Away Via Hayao
Miyazaki (480) Friday
Spirited Away to Kiki's Delivery Service
Via Hayao Miyazaki (481) Saturday
Kiki's Delivery Service to Howl's Moving Castle Via Hayao Miyazaki (482)
Nothing past Sunday
good thing…New Equipment from DirectTV!!!
Health - Not dead yet, looking forward to March when
I can get my nose meats broke and unbroke and scraped and fixed in general!
Crafting -
Working on ornament hats, and slippers, and beanies, and snowflakes,
and, and, and… Need to start on baby
stuff soon! ;)
Of The Day - There are a few! I will post them later, when I have them all at my disposal, they are at home!
I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.
Blessed Be
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