August 26, 2016 #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs"

#MistysMovieTrails - Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy to  Love Actually (on Netflix) via Colin Firth (598)

One good thing…that I can lean on my wife and she can lean on me!

Health…  Head and neck hurt like never before. Think that I will sleep on the floor tonight, see if that helps.

What am I Thankful for today… It is Friday, I have 5 shows recorded that I can watch, date night is on the horizon for tonight and this weekend we will drive around together, to Poke and make my plans for Monday night class

One Thing That I Learned Today… Trying really hard not to think today ;)
I have plenty of that in my near future!

One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me… Starting a new semester that I thought would be cake, might be more like eggplant (I do not like eggplant)

 Craft of the Day  - Meant to work on Robert's Octopus hat, but had no time so far this morning.
Julie's Tree
Time on Project:
653 Minutes TOTAL (8.26.16 @ 1030
August 26 2016 - 15 minutes during morning break
638 Minutes TOTAL (8.25.16 @ 1300)
August 25 2016 - 25 minutes
613 Minutes TOTAL (8.24.16 @ 1250)
August 24 2016 - 40 minutes
573 Minutes TOTAL (8.22.16 @ 1800)
August 22 2016 - 30 minutes in the afternoon
543 Minutes TOTAL  (8.22.16 @ 0945)
August 22 2016 - 35 minutes
Hung up the project at home so that I do not work on it when I should be doing homework!
508 Minutes TOTAL (5.27.16 @ 1035)
May 27 2016 - 25 minutes during my break
483 Minutes TOTAL (5.25.16 @ 2020)
May 25 2016 - 10 more minutes during the day
473 Minutes  TOTAL (5.25.16 @ 0745)
May 25 2016 - 20 minutes today, 3 yesterday… 
450 Minutes  TOTAL (5.19.16 as of 1630)
May 19 2016 - 20 minutes before class
May 19 2016  - 15 minutes during break
415 Minutes  TOTAL (5.18.16 as of 1307)
May 18 2016  - 10 minutes during afternoon break
May 18 2016  - 20 minutes during lunch
May 18 2016 -  5 minutes to finish up piece
390 Minutes  TOTAL (5.17.16 as of 1500)
May 17 2105 - 30 minutes before class
May 17 2105 - 5 minutes total in car
May 17 2105 - 15 minutes on break
May 17 2105 - 15 minutes on break
May 17 2105 - 10 minutes on break
315 Minutes  TOTAL (5.17.16 as of 830)
Nothing today.
315 Minutes  TOTAL (5.16.16 as of 1042)
May 16th 2016 - 15  minutes here and there on break, etc…
May 16th 2016 -  5 minutes on shuttle
295 Minutes  TOTAL
May 15th 2016 - 30 minutes while watching TV
265 Minutes  TOTAL
May 14th 2016 - 10 minutes at Little Caesar's
255 Minutes  TOTAL (5.13.16 as of 1122)
May 13th 2016 - 60 minutes (50 on bus and 10 waiting for and on shuttle)
195 Minutes  TOTAL
May 12 2016 - 30 total minutes
Before I started tracking, estimated: 165 minutes (2.75 hours)

I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.

Blessed Be


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