February 2 2017 #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs"
One good thing.... Got the book situation all taken care of, and I came out ahead!
Health…. Tired and headachy... But at least they are not headaches like I used to get!
What am I Thankful for today… Almost the weekend!
One Thing That I Learned Today… I am a princess. The power went out last night and I had to program the time into the coffee machine, and press start... AFTER I did it last night... What an ordeal ;)
One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me… That I am second guessing myself hard core over pies... Did I say Lemon or did I say Apple???
Craft of the Day -
Working on the Icord so that I can make a brain beanie for Taryn as a prototype and then onto grown up sizes! I will still do at least one round on my bear pillow of February and at least one row on Taryn's birthday blanket. The sooner I finish it the sooner I can start on stuff for Turtle!
I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.
Blessed Be
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