August 9th, 2018 #MistysMovieTrails, Crafting Along With Other "Stuffs"

#MistysMovieTrails    The Hitman's Body Guard to The Darkest Hour via Gary Oldman (701)  
 One good thing.... I have worked out 4 days in a row!  
 Health...Did fitnessey stuff 4 days in a row, plus pulled weeds last night!   
 What am I Thankful for Today... It is almost Friday and the boss is out Monday and Tuesday!  
 One Thing That I Learned Today... If you have a thought to do something and you do not act on it within 5 seconds, you will not do it. 
 One Thing I Have Done That Scare Me Today... Stood in the front of the meeting room, cutting cake and waiting while it was passed out, Sweating the entire time.  
Craft of the Day -  
 ❤ working on Centi-Kitty for Maggie at home and misc. Stuff for Christmas ❤  
I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.  
Blessed Be  


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