April 12 2015 - #MistysMovieTrails / Square of The Day

#MistysMovieTrails - Braveheart   To Resident Evil Via Stephen Billington (272)

#MistysMovieTrails - Resident Evil To Resident Evil Apocalypse Via Milla Jovovich ( 273)

#MistysMovieTrails -   Resident Evil Apocalypse  To Resident Evil Extenction Via Milla Jovovich ( 274)

#MistysMovieTrails - Resident Evil Extinction To Resident Evil Afterlife Via Milla Jovovich (275)

#MistysMovieTrails -  Resident Evil Afterlife To Resident Evil Retribution Via Milla Jovovich (276)

Health - Fu*k Allergies, that's what

Crafting -  Working on my embroidered pieces blanket.

Square Of The Day - I picked this blue because it was shiny in the box!

I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place.

Blessed Be


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