July 26, 2016 #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs"

#MistysMovieTrails - The Mummy Returns to The Other Guys via Dwayne Johnson           (591) 

One good thing… Get to see the baby tonight!

Health … So flippin' tired, what the hell!Went to bed at a decent hour and I am still just drained... Cannot wait to have a week where I can sleep in until 6:00 ;)

What am I Thankful for today… Took my last test before the final in accounting, got an 86! 

One Thing That I Learned Today… Need to evaluate what I got wrong on my last exam to see what I need to study

One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me…I took that test without double checking my work before I submitted it, living on the edge baby!

 Craft of the Day  - Working on Mr. Potato Head!  Today, the feet.

Almost done with the Square a Day blanket, will work on it more during my vacation.

Still working on the tree for Julie, but not in a while, have to get it done before Thanksgiving.


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