March 7, 2017  #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs

#MistysMovieTrails - Yes Man to  Your Highness via Zooey Deschanel (628)  
One good thing.... One day closer to Spring Break 
Health…. Must be allergies, because no one fights a cold this long without dying!  
What am I Thankful for today... Made some decisions recently, and my awesome wife supports me, whatever the weather...  
One Thing That I Learned Today…  Starting a new habit is almost as hard as breaking an old one... and I suck at both! ;) 
One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me...Worn this outfit... It is not flattering and I am stuck in it all day!  
Craft of the Day  - 
Making a pussy hat for my mother's birthday, then back to baby stuff!  
I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. 
Blessed Be 


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