August 16th 2017  #MistysMovieTrails and Craft of The Day, Along With Other "Stuffs"

#MistysMovieTrails   Sixth Sense to Dreamcatchers Via Donnie Wahlberg   (670) 
One good thing....  Slept well last night, for the most part!  
Health... Hoping to get out of here early today, get some rest, catch up on TV 
What am I Thankful for Today... Gloria is not here, and hopefully will not be at all!  
One Thing That I Learned Today... Nothing really... I know it all ;)  
One Thing I Have Done That Scares Me… Rode the bus to work 
Craft of the Day  - 
   Working on Cinderella hair for Luna    
I bequeath this blog to the world to make it a better place. 
Blessed Be 


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