
Showing posts from April, 2014

April 30, 2014

Do you need to agree with an artist's lifestyle or politics to appreciate their art? To spend money on it?   Unless their lifestyle or politics are harmful to others, any lifestyle or politics that I support especially, then no, I do not need to agree with them.   I think that seeing things from the point of view of someone that has a differing life and beliefs than me is sometimes a good thing. An eye opening moment.   Most times I do not even know much if anything about someone's lifestyle, etc. If I like the art, I like the art, if I don't, then I don't.   Thanks for Reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be!  

April 29, 2014

Do you fell uncomfortable when you see someone else being embarrassed? Yes, I do, mostly because whatever they are doing, like tripping over invisible things, etc, I can see myself doing, and I can totally feel for them! Thanks for Reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be!

April 28, 2014

Night owl or early bird? By nurture I am forced to be the early bird. By nature I am the night owl. I can't be both, and I prefer the night owl. I guess that is because when I was younger, and my mom worked nights on the weekends, I had to be quiet during the day, so she could sleep, but could be loud, and pretty much alone at night. When I was a young stay at home mom, I had the kids awake all day, but at night, especially when my ex was away, I had the night to myself to decompress and do what I wanted. I enjoy the little bit of me time that I get before giving in to sleep now a days, but as I said, nurture has made me the early bird. Up at 5:30, out the door by 6:15. Onto work, no night owl for me on that schedule! Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 27th, 2014

What do you display on the walls of your home? We hang any and everything we want. It changes from time to time, but right now there is a giant tapestry (which I want to learn to do) of some bucks and deer or something, odd how it is something I see every day, but couldn't tell you what's on it? There are two movie posters, one for Labrynth, and one for Legend. There is a painting done for my birthday, on wood. Let's see... A photo I took of my shoe, our family crest, an excellent phot I took of a sunset, some little plates.. I think the painting of Led Zeppelin is still up. And that is just the living room. In my room are poster, and T.A.R.D.I.S. hidden paintings just to name a few. We hang whatever we want, whatever appeals to us. I like our artwork, and I like what it says about our home, and us. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 26th, 2014

Read It Again Sam - what book can you read over and over and not get bored? What about it speaks to you? Not read, but listen, would be Harry Potter. I know the stories, I know what's going to happen, and I can step away and come back and not miss a beat. I think the thing that speaks to me is that the stories are so familiar that they are more like old friends. They are exciting even the 100th time, and I can see the story as I hear it, not see the movies, but I can see what I think things look like in my head. I just love those books. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 25th, 2014

Clone Wars...if to could clone yourself, how would you break up your responsibilities? Oh, I have thought about this MANY times before. Ok, here goes: One for work One for full time schooling One for chores in the house One for chores outside of the house One to deal with families One to deal with people that I don't wanna deal with And that leaves me to so what I want! Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 24th, 2014

Have you had a fleeting encounter with a stranger that stuck with you? The other day at the vending machine there was a patient that was trying to use her change at the machine, and it would not take any of her change... I offered her my change to see if maybe it was just her coins that were not working. When we figure out that the machine just sucks, she asked where the next nearest vending machine was at. Not knowing, I told her where the gift shop was and gave her all of my change, since the gift shop is rather pricey. I don't think that she realized that I gave her like $2.00 in quarters, and then I told her good luck and went back to my office. Not sure why that stuck with me, but it did. I hope she got better, I hope she went home, and I hope she will pay it forward. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 23rd, 2014

What song is stuck in your head, and what does it mean to you? Right now, it's 'Still The One' because its on the shuttle into work, and as many older songs go, the end is just the chorus OVER AND OVER. So I can say pretty confidently that this song will be in my head all day. Unless something more annoying takes over, like 'Get into the Groove' which is now on, and the lady across the Isle is seriously jamming to, good for you! But, you do realize we can hear you, right? Maybe she's like me, starts singing without even noticing? I hope I've never done that on the city bus! Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 20, 2014 Installment three ( I believe )

So, in order to do a Bizzaro version of me, I have to decide what is the opposite of me? Like I have brown hair, so Bizzaro me is a blonde, I'm white, Bizzaro me is not, I'm a girl, so... I won't go that far. I think what I really need to figure out is what I fear about myself? I think I'm kind, so bizarro me is cruel? Or I think I am smart, but maybe I am not, so would Bizzaro me be smart or dense? Told you, deep soul searching sh*t here. Ok, I would like to think that I am: Kind, Smart Cute Funny Creative Good at my job What else? Loved? Yeah, loved, by one and all! Confession time, I am not: Good at keeping in touch As selfless as I'd like to be As talented as I'd like to be As smart as I'd like to be Good with saving money As kind as I could be In shape So, now I have a list of nots that is longer than the list of 'am', therefore I am thoroughly depressed, not really. That's another thing about me, I don'...

Profile Paper

Misty Gonzales Jennifer Schaller English 1101-126 11 April 2014 Jane of All Trades or More Than a Woman “If I am doing my job correctly, then you don’t really notice me, when I am not there, that is when you feel it.” Dawn Winters explains to me about her behind the scenes role. “I have always liked to be the support person in the background; I’m here to do my job so that those around her can do theirs.” She has worked in several places as what she calls ‘support staff’. She has always believed in being a team player, not that it minimizes her contribution, but she prefers to do that behind the scenes. “Even in high school, I was in Stage Craft, we built the stages, obviously, but on show nights, we helped with costume changes and lighting, all of the things that you don’t notice are going right, but you sure notice if they are going wrong!”, Dawn explains. Her first job after she got divorced was as the ‘book-lady’ at a local thrift store, and her favorite part of that jo...

April 22, 2014

Write about something you normally blog about as if it's a music critique. Since I usually do these prompts I was going to do it about that, but since I had a near death experience this morning, I'm going to write about that: The beginning of the walk started out easily enough, with a slight breeze in the opening to invite the listener to the ride. As we walk up Copper, the breeze is a bit stronger, but it blows the listeners hair around a bit too much, so that later, a ponytail holder will be required. Once you reach Eubank, the slight hill is enough to make any listener wish for a Hover-around. This only increases when the listeners son takes the hill like it's nothing, and leaves the listener behind. You reach the first light, and have to deal with people who stop in the cross walk in their efforts to see if it is safe to turn into on coming traffic. You eventually make across that street, but t requires you to go around some cars, don't forget to shoot dag...

April 20th, 2014 Installment Two

Seriously, this is some soul searching, deep digging, fault uncovering sh*t, isn't it? In order to figure out who or what is the opposite of me, the Bizzaro me, I have to figure out who and what I am. There, soul searching disguised as a cute little comic related post... This one is gonna take me a while. Especially, when you figure that right now I am an overly tired, toxic feeling mess! Maybe that is the key? I don't feel like myself right now, is that enough soul searching? I don't feel like me, that is the opposite of me, that is Bizzaro me? Nope, that isn't gonna cut it, oh well. More tomorrow Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 20,2014 Installment One

Sunday's prompt was to write about meeting my Bizarro self, and what that would be like. That is one that I would like to dedicate more time and brain power…so, I'm not blowing it off, I'm just going to do it in proper time, with proper dedication…maybe ill do it in installments? That sounds like a good idea, installments it is, but I'm not starting today, other than to say that I am not starting today. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 19th, 2014

Freaky Friday - if to could change places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? I would trade places with my 17 year old self and warn myself about some of the obstacles I was going to face in the future, who to trust and not, who to befriend, and who to stay away from. Things that I regret now that young me could choose to ignore. I would explain to myself the outcomes of each of these things and people, and let me young me decide for myself if the knowledge is worth the pain in those cases... Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 18th, 2014

Unexpected Caller: you get a call from an unknown person, who are they, and what do they want? It's probably a telemarketer. I wish that I was not compelled to answer phone numbers I don't recognize. My reasoning is that it may have something to do with someone I love. Kid in the hospital, and the doctor calls from his cell to tell me to hurry down the ED, but I don't answer. What a shame. Or, it's the school, a teacher, whatever. Same thing. Or, and this is way more likely, it's someone I forgot that I have dealings with, an appointment or something, and I just blew some big opportunity for me or my family. OR... It's my dad from the great beyond, cuz they totally have phones there, and he just wants to see how we are all... Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 17th, 2014

Million Dollar Question... Why Do I Blog? I think that I blog to have something creative to do each day. With these prompts it's more than just me writing about my day, which is always riveting, no doubt, but that gets old. Plus, when I have something to get out, there you go. When I wanna vent about the line cutters at the bus stop, there you go. When I had a weird a** dream and have to share it with 'the world', there you go Plus, all of the writing I have to do for my English class is reminding me that one of the dreams I had as a you g girl, was to be a writer. That of course, was when all I wrote was sappy middle school crush poems. Man am I glad that box fell off the back of the truck when I moved out of my mom's house, literally, it fell off of the back of my ex's truck... Anyhow, that is why I blog, hope your enjoying it. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 16th, 2014

Third times the charm... This is the third time I have gone to school, and I plan to finish it this time. Got a boy on the third baby making attempt, not that it mattered to me, but the numbers support this statement. This is the third place I have worked (full time) and I love this job - most days. This is the third semester I have taken classes, and I am finally taking big girl classes, Lol My iPad was my third apple iProduct, love that... Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 15th, 2014

This one is right up my alley, write a list, but alas, not a todo list... So, my top five reasons I love to write... 1. I have so much grazing around my mind, and writing lets me get it out. 2. Autocorrect - now it looks like I can spell, but maybe not type. 3. I have a cool idea for a pen name. 4. I can be or do anything on paper (or iProduct) 5. Getting it down on paper proves I existed. Thanks for reading Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 14th, 2014

Ask someone around you what they are thinking about and blog about that... There is a young man across from me, actually he is a kid, he is still in middle school, he is in a ROTC uniform, and he is headed to school, even though it is spring break. He told me he is thinking about how he still has to go to school today because of ROTC. They are going to do community service today, in full uniform. The thing that I think is oddest about him, is that he has a stretcher in his ear. A long spike that gets bigger on one end, to, you guessed it, stretch his ear. If he is serious about going into the military, that will not stand. Kids these days really do not think of the future consequences of these things... Oh m, I sound like an old I'm sad. Wait, I can't be that old, I'm wearing a cloak, I'm a bad ass elf! Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 12, 2014

How are you more likely to make big decisions? Gut feeling or careful thought? It depends on the decision I think. If I am not sure, then I like to think about it, do the pros and cons, etc. However, to be honest, if I already know what needs to be done, but that is not what I want to do, I'll make a 'gut' decision, basically ill B.S. my way into doing what I want even when I know it might not be the right thing. That has not always worked out for me, but it hasn't been dull, that's for sure. Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 13th, 2014

You've inherited five million dollars, with instructions that you mush donate it all to charity. Who or what do you donate to? I'd set up a non profit to build my compound with the purpose to try and build an ideal society, and then come back to the real world and pass alone our progress. Then I would donate to that and build a compound, somewhat like The Village, but without fake monsters, and I would use the rules I blogged about the ideal community. There, I win, and I'll be doing something good. Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 11, 2014

Give love to three other blogs that you follow. I don't follow any other blogs, sorry. Well, that was easy. Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 10th, 2014

Imperfections... In people, places, and things... Tell about a flaw that adds character... The only flaw I can think of as one that I would not really change if I could, is my A.D.D.  when it comes to crafting. I have several crochet projects started right now,but at least I always have something to pick up when I'm bored. Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 9th, 2014

Go back and revise an entry you are not satisfied with... I'm totally going to cheat on this one. I am posting my revised and final draft of my interview paper. Misty  Professor Bennett Intro to Sociology 1101 8 April 2014 A Life Well Lived Iris Eileen (Allen) Miller is a woman who has no regrets in life. She is the wisest person I know and is not afraid to tell you what is on her mind. She was born on June 18 th , 1927 in El Paso County Colorado. She is the second out of ten children born to Clifford Allen and Gladys Hitchcock. She helped raise her younger siblings, as was the way in those days. Her fondest memory of growing up is playing store in the hayloft with her sisters. She enjoyed spending time with all of her siblings, but her sisters in particular. Clifford and Gladys treated all ten of their children equally. They were farmers and Gladys cared for the children. All of them were capable and were required to help with the house and the farm. That was t...

April 8th, 2014

What is your favorite season?   I used to like Spring, but now I have allergies... Now I like Fall. I still have allergies, but at least in the Fall, I can look forward to the holidays and that it will be getting colder and not HOTTER while I suffer.   Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be!

Interview Paper Version 3, almost there!

Misty      Dr. Bennett   Sociology 1101-111   7 April 2014 A Life Well Lived Iris Eileen Allen is a woman who has no regrets in life. She is the wisest person I know and is not afraid to tell you what is on her mind. She was born on June 18 th , 1927 in El Paso County Colorado. She was the second out of ten children born to Clifford Allen and Gladys Hitchcock. She helped raise her younger siblings, as was the way in those days. Her fondest memory of growing up was playing store in the hayloft with her sisters. She enjoyed spending time with all of her siblings, but her sisters in particular. Clifford and Gladys treated all ten of their children equally. They were farmers and Gladys cared for the children. All of them were capable and were required to help with the house and the farm. That was the norm for families at that time, the more children that you had, the more help you had for the farm.   Clifford had several other jobs, including ...

April 7th, 2014

Alma mater You've been asked to speak at your highschool alma mater - about the path of life. (Whoa. Draft that speech.        Don't really feel like it today, I feel really crappy and I just want to get my reading done and go to bed, and I am still at work so that is not going to happen for a while!      Ill try to keep this prompt in mind, and come back to it when I feel inspired. I realize that the object behind the prompts are to make you write even when you are not inspired. However, if I was a professional writer, I would be taking today as a sick day, so there!   Thanks for reading, Misty )O( Blessed Be

April 6th, 2014

Head to your favorite blog, take the title from the third to the top post and make that the first sentence of your post. I don't follow any other blogs, so now what?  Thanks for reading,  Misty  )O( Blessed Be

April 5th, 2014

       Name another blogger that has influenced you on your blogging journey... I didn't do this blog yesterday because I was trying to think if I had one, and I don't. I don't follow any other bloggers, I just like to write. NOT FOR SCHOOL... even for school.. Thanks for reading,  Misty  )O( Blessed Be

April 4th, 2014

Transporter Write about a sensation - a taste, a smell, a piece of music - that transports you back to childhood               Of course right now in the moment, I cannot think of anything. There are many things floating through my head. I will just grab the first thing that I can… Pat Benetar, "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" is the song, and roller skating around the apartment complex is the memory. I can see myself with my best friend from childhood, Heather Wheatly. I can see us skating around and around in one particular area that had an open area for us instead of the sidewalks that only provided a path to skate on.                 Last night, or should I say EARLY this morning, I made toast with Nutella on it, and while I know that I occasionally enjoyed this when I was a child, the smell of it makes me happy, but does not produce any memories. ...

April 3rd, 2014

Describe Your Ultimate Escape Plan, and What You Are Escaping From OK, we will try this again... When I lived in Corrales for a few months, I read a lot of Dean Koontz - not having cable will do that to a girl. In his books, characters always had to escape whatever mad man was the 'bad guy' in the book. I started to wonder how I would react in those situations. Then I adapted the wondering to how I would escape the farm if I had to.     Nana and Papa lived on a farm in Corrales; the house was set back from the street by a 3 acre field. The dirt road that led to the house was alongside the pasture, and that was the only way to drive to the house. The back of the property was against the ditch. You could get to it on foot, but not by vehicle. At the end of the dirt road was the house with the garage attached, the large garage where Papa parked the farm truck and the tractor, there was a hay storage too. The dirt road had a turn around and there was a windmill i...

April 3rd, 2014

Tell about your ultimate escape plan, and what you're escaping from?   You know what? I did almost the entire entry on the bus, and it was good, and it did not save, and now, without my glasses, it is hard to type, so I might do this one and I might not. What a shame, it was good if I do say so myself!   Misty )O( Blessed Be!

April 2nd, 2014

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a child. What became of it? For a while, as a child, I was attached to Barbie's, and all the things that they came with. My best friend and I would use trapper keppers as houses, the flap that closed the trapper kepper was the door, and it swung open and close! How's that for ingenuity? But my favorite toy as a child would have to be my hospital Lego set. I can remember that I got it for Christmas one year, I know this, but I don't remember the actual Christmas. I can remember setting it up for the first time with my Dad. The best part about it was that there were these pieces that made it so the hospital opened so you could play with it. They were Lego hinges, pretty high tech in that day. They are 'child's play' compared to the Legos my son has now! I can also remember, and this is what makes them my favorite toy, that I would build my own 'dream house' out of them. Every day the...

April 1st, 2014

Do you get social media or are you just on it because your friends and family are? I had to step back and really think about that one. I am on facebook, have a Twitter, but no time for it. I have a Tumblr account, again, no time for it. I just joined the "Best and Worst of Tumblr" on Facebook...haha, if that's cheating, I'm a big ole cheater! I really only get on facebook once or twice a day, to check out what's going on with friends, and to get a funny picture for the day for my journal... I have no clue what FourSquare is... Any of those 'check in here for points' sites, nope... Hardly go anywhere. Heck, I don't even have 'that coupon thing' (not the real name, but I can't think of it) account. I guess what all this means is that, no, I don't really have social cred, or knowledge, and as far as what I do have, it's less for friends and family than it is for funny pictures... Well, that is just sad... Now I feel old and a...