April 4th, 2014


Write about a sensation - a taste, a smell, a piece of music - that transports you back to childhood


            Of course right now in the moment, I cannot think of anything. There are many things floating through my head. I will just grab the first thing that I can… Pat Benetar, "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" is the song, and roller skating around the apartment complex is the memory. I can see myself with my best friend from childhood, Heather Wheatly. I can see us skating around and around in one particular area that had an open area for us instead of the sidewalks that only provided a path to skate on.


             Last night, or should I say EARLY this morning, I made toast with Nutella on it, and while I know that I occasionally enjoyed this when I was a child, the smell of it makes me happy, but does not produce any memories.


            Legos, but that is not really a sensation, just a happy memory!


Thanks for reading,



Blessed Be!


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