April 1st, 2014
Do you get social media or are you just on it because your friends and family are?
I had to step back and really think about that one. I am on facebook, have a Twitter, but no time for it. I have a Tumblr account, again, no time for it. I just joined the "Best and Worst of Tumblr" on Facebook...haha, if that's cheating, I'm a big ole cheater! I really only get on facebook once or twice a day, to check out what's going on with friends, and to get a funny picture for the day for my journal...
I have no clue what FourSquare is... Any of those 'check in here for points' sites, nope... Hardly go anywhere. Heck, I don't even have 'that coupon thing' (not the real name, but I can't think of it) account.
I guess what all this means is that, no, I don't really have social cred, or knowledge, and as far as what I do have, it's less for friends and family than it is for funny pictures... Well, that is just sad... Now I feel old and an depressed... Wait, ill make myself feel better by saying this... #I don't have time for social media, I'm a busy lady... Is that how hashtags (#) are used?
Thanks for reading,
Blessed Be
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