November 27 2014
Fear Factor
People are afraid of all kinds of things: Spiders, the dark, or being enclosed in small spaces. Tell us about your greatest fear – rational or irrational.
Drowning in a car. Not sure why, I think that it has something to do with a dream I had in middle school, where I was in a car that drive into a lake. The dream was more involved than that, and there were a lot more aspects to it than just the driving into the lake, but nonetheless, I think that is where the fear comes from. I'm not sure the dream really had anything to do with drowning, but still.
When I lived in Virginia we would have to drive on the tunnel bridge sometimes, and I was very careful not to drive off the side of the bridge, and dying horribly as I fear.
Now that live in New Mexico I don't worry about it so much! :)
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Blessed Be
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