January 12 2015 Sock # 001
#MistysMovieTrails Gladiator to Guardians of the Galaxy via Dgimon Hounsou.
Today is the first day of my sock experiement. Today's subject, i am calling sock 001, or pink orange and frizzy. The pattern is stretched and these are rather old socks so they are frizzy from the popped threads. I cannot get the toe to lay right and it is bothersome in any shoe. I think that these will be the first to go.
On another note, I plan to look up ways to reuse old socks, other than puppets. I will be looking for something easy.
I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place.
Blessed Be
This sock, will be named -001, because I forgot to blog yesterday. That is the sock that I wore. I like that sock, it does not cause trouble with my toes, does not fall or pinch. I can use these socks when I need to have plain looking socks for work, because the action does not start until way up the calf! ;)
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