January 7 2015

Well, I actually watched From Hell last night, I did not sleep well either. Nothing to do with the movie, more to do with all the dang cats that come and go all night. I think that tonight I will sleep with my door closed, breaks my heart because I really enjoy the times when Severus comes and lays on my chest and purrs and loves on me.

Today will be the first REAL challenge to my new NO SODA rule. I have a meeting, and there will be soda... I will bring my water. There will be pizza, I will have one slice, where I usually have two. If I cannot fight the urge, I will have diet soda, because it is yucky and I will not finish it, but I will try to be strong and fight the urge to have any at all!

Got cavaties filled last night, made an appointment to get a wisdom tooth pulled, then another later...

School starts soon. Not sure how I feel about that. I feel like I am not really DOING anything, and I have SOMETHING to do, that would be school. I do not like such a long break in between the Fall and Spring semester... Oh well, not my decision to make, right?

Today will be a test for my boss. I have meetings, and things that I need her to sign, and we will see if she supports me or not. I am going to start letting everyone who might be able to help, know that I am looking to move on from here. It might be premature, things could get better if: 1. My boss starts working dedicated ICU shifts, and there for has dedicated office days, or 2. She leaves and her replacement comes in fresh and new and not burnt out. I get being burnt out, I really do, but I cannot let that affect my job performance, and I do not want to seem like the person who is throwing others under the bus if it came down to some sort of evaluation... "well, I cannot get people hired, because she won't make the scheduled calls for interviews.".

My wife is right (duh) about needing a vacation, but I really need a REAL vacation, I do not even know what that is, I think that I would get bored just 'being' somewhere. If I did not have school, I would try to go the Denver with my wife in April, but I think that I will enjoy school, and I cannot be gone that long, and I do not want to fall behind...

Anyhow, that is enough for now. I did have more to write about, I think, but whatever brain jolt I had this morning, I lost in the shower, as all good thoughts, I rinsed it away with my shampoo!

I bequeath this blog to the world in order to make it a better place.
Blessed Be


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