March 17th, 2014

Todays task is to argue against something I believe in... Gay marriage is something I believe strongly in, and I cannot even fathom how to start. If gays are allowed to marry then all the good men will be taken? If gays are allowed to marry, then women won't need men to support them, put up shelves and kill spiders for them?

Seriously, I can't see a good argument against gay marriage. I am gay, I am gayly married. We have good, successful kids, a home, a Crappy van, financial issues, fights about housework...all the normal things 'normal' couples have... Were not doing better or worse than any other couple as far as those aspects go...

Plus we love each other. And maybe, just maybe, because we had to fight to be allowed to marry, we will take our marriage more seriously and hold it up with more respect than those that have taken it forgranted.

Sorry, idea generator, can't do it today.


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