June 1, 2014

Write about something considered ugly, but try to find beauty or hope in it.

Something ugly... War is too serious. Let's go with the departure of the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith. My son turned me onto The Doctor last summer. Per his advice, I watched the 11th Doctor first. I binged the 11th Doctor, let's be honest. Then, I went back and watched 9 and 10. 10 is my favorite and it hurt when he 'left' but I had 11 to look forward to, so it was not really as much as loss as I felt when I watched 11 leave. There were tears, I won't even try to deny it.

I have seen memes that mean to give comfort to people like me, they pretty much all say the same thing, you love the current Doctor, then he leaves and you look upon this new person with harsh eyes... "He could never be to me what the last Doctor was." It does not take long, however, to love the new Doctor as much as the others, because you are Whovian, you know the capacity to love is great. The Doctor has two hearts for a reason.

So, my ugly thing is the loss, the painful, emotionally devastating loss of a TV character - the hell you say - the Doctor is not a TV character, he is a friend, a mentor, a not so secret crush...out of his departure and that loss comes the New Doctor, who eventually you will love just as much, if not more.

Here's to high hopes for Capaldi, and strenuous prayers that Moffat let's us love him for a long time before he rips him away to.


Thanks for reading
Blessed Be


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