February 5, 2014
Call me, maybe. Describe your relationship with your phone. Is it your lifeline, a buzzing nuisance or something in between?
I had a smart phone until a week or so ago. It was not very smart, and while I liked being able to check Facebook on the bus, or check my email, like i said, it was slow. If I had an iPhone, then it might be different, I get those and they seem to get me too. Now, I have an old school flip phone and I am perfectly happy with it. It occasionally stops sending texts and I have to shut it off and redo it, but I am so glad not to have my old phone.
I am not connected to my ancient iPod. Mostly because my blog prompts are in it, also because I have music in it. I use it to listen to when I walk. It is also slow, but then again, it is an antique, what do you except? I can write while on the bus, and then send it, or them, once I get home, or to work, where ever there is wifi. Not a bad arrangement.
Anyhow, I can totally see how a phone could help and hinder a life, I am glad I don't have that chance anymore.
Thanks for reading
Blessed Be
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